Document Management System
Our Document Management System packs powerful functionalities to consolidate all your document and content management on one single platform. We are browser-based, platform neutral, available on-premise and on-cloud, and can be integrated with all recognized ERP applications, making OfficeDMS one of the most versatile and scalable system in the market.
Centralised Data Warehouse
OfficeDMS can organise your data to how you need it. Bulk and automated data uploads are possible. Ready APIs are available to integrate to your existing CRM/ERP.
Automatic Workflow Management
User-configurable workflow engine that allows assignment of roles, responsibilities & TAT’s for individual worksteps. Examples include supplier invoice processing, claims/expense processing, and financial approval processes.
Customised Dashboards & Reports
User can configure their own dashboard information and automated reports.
Intuitive Search Alternatives
OfficeDMS has multiple distinct pre-organized searches for quick retrieval of information. Users can define and book-mark search criteria.
Advance PDF Manager & OCR Support
OfficeDMS PDF manager provides advanced tools for page insertions, annotations, digital signatures, automated re-indexing and related advanced controls. The OCR engine supports over 130 languages.
Document Version Control
Document version control maintains the historical versions of each document stored in the repository and users can tag each version with comments. DVC also provides check-in/check-out facility for simultaneous access of documents by a team and also maintains detailed audit logs.
OfficeDMS Security
The DMS implements US NIST recommended security practices including five tiered access controls, encryption for confidentiality, hash-based integrity enforcement, and detailed audit logs. Our processes are both ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified.
OfficeDMS Mobility
OfficeDMS is also available as an app on both Android and iOS platforms. The app enables mobile backend-as-a-service by providing ability to capture customer information on forms.
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